

英漢字典: go by

1. pass by走過

    You've missed the bus;it just went by. 你錯過了這趟公共汽車,它剛開走。

    We waited for the procession to go by. 我們等隊伍過去。

2. be guided by sth. giving direction靠…指引(方向)

    Having no map to go by,we soon lost our way. 沒有地圖判斷方向,我們很快就迷了路。

3. act according to;be guided by照…辦事

    We should have a clearout criterion to go by. 我們應有明確的標準去遵循。

    We have a precedent to go by. 我們有先例可循。

    If you ride a bicycle,you must go by the traffic rules. 你如果騎車,就必須遵守交通規則。

    She always goes by a pattern when she makes a dress. 她總是照式樣裁制衣服。

4. judge by;form an opinion by;trust as being correct判斷;憑…而判斷;以為…是正確的

    You can't always go by appearance. 你不能老是以貌取人。

    We can't go by that clock;it is hardly ever right. 我們不能以那個鐘為準,它很少對過。

    You can't go by one person's opinion;you must ask everyone what they think. 你不能光憑一個人的意見就下結論,你得問一問大家是怎麼想的。

5. (time,days,weeks,etc. )pass;elapse;go on(時間等)流逝

    Three years have gone by since we came to this university. 我們進這所大學已3年了。

    This event will be forgotten as time goes by. 隨著時間的推移,此事將被遺忘。

6. (opportunity,chance,etc. )pass without being used or grasped(機會等)輕易地放過

    Don't let this opportunity go by. 不要錯過這個機會。

    John hesitated just a little too long over the offer of a partnership in the firm,and when he finally made up his mind to accept,the opportunity had gone by. 約翰對別人主動要和他合股開商行遲疑的時間稍長了一點,等他下定決心同意時,機會已經錯過了。

7. be known by;be called為人所知;稱為

    Many actors do not go by their real names. 很多演員的真實姓名不為人知。

8. stop for a short visit 短暫的走訪;順便走訪

    “Have you seen Mr. Wang lately?”“Yes,I went by his house last week. ”“你最近看到王先生了嗎?”“看到了,我上週順便去他家了一會兒。”

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